The Power of Winds

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.” Psalms 24:1 NLT

As a good military officer must understand how to work with the weapons in his arsenal, we must also understand how to work with prophetic utterances to shift things both spiritually and physically. Prophetic utterance simply means speaking divinely inspired words because it’s the power of God that makes the difference.

Everything in nature is already hard coded to respond to God’s voice because He spoke everything into existence. When we speak His word things change, but we must understand there’s a skill in understanding what to say to effect the change. This series we’re looking at one of the elements of nature that is frequently mentioned in the Bible – the wind.

Wind is the perceptible movement of air in a direction and the Bible speaks specifically about four types of winds. Why is wind important? What does each type of wind signify and what does this mean for us as believers?

We will go through these and more as we delve into understanding the wind as a prophetic tool. Click here to download the series.

Thriving As Sheep Among Wolves

“Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16 NLT

The world is filled with all kinds of evil and wickedness, yet this is the same environment that Jesus said He expects us to not only function in but to thrive and walk in dominion. We know for sure that the Lord knows the end from the beginning so He certainly knew what His children will be up against, especially in these times. How then are we meant to walk in dominion in such an environment?

This is where spiritual intelligence and wisdom come into play. The sons of Issachar understood the times (spiritual intelligence) and knew what Israel ought to do (spiritual wisdom). Intelligence has to do with the acquisition of knowledge while wisdom is the ability to correctly apply the knowledge acquired.

Bringing this to the arena where most of us operate whether it’s in our businesses, careers, etc. we need to understand the specific intelligence and wisdom required to excel in our section of the marketplace. Especially as we will be dealing with different characters who Jesus called wolves.

This series we are looking at what it takes to thrive in the midst of wolves in the marketplace as we are called to do. Click Here to download the series.