Handling People Pressures

‘Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:28

We all face different types of pressures daily, especially from people who require one thing or another from us. Sometimes we may feel like we’re being bombarded and overwhelmed in trying to address these pressures in addition to other things we’re balancing.

But God’s plan for us isn’t for us to live a harassed life and Jesus gives us a template for how we can handle such. Jesus dealt with multitudes during His earthly ministry as throngs of people bombarded him daily looking for one thing or another. Yet in spite of the magnitude of what He had to deal with, Jesus was never hurried or stressed out.

How did he cope with the pressures? What was his attitude towards the crowds and their demands? How do we learn from him in dealing with the different multitudes of pressures and challenges in our own lives? We will look at these and more this series and we pray this study blesses you, positively impacts every aspect of your life and stirs up a hunger for God in you. Click HERE to download the study

Daniel: A Man of Influence

‘…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.’ Daniel 11:32

Daniel’s life was quite interesting for several reasons. He arrived in Babylon as a young slave boy and yet rose to the highest levels of leadership in the city. Daniel was a highly sought-after government official who never preached a single message, yet each king he worked with acknowledged the sovereignty of God because of their encounters with him.

Daniel had a full-time demanding career and excelled in the marketplace, yet he still had a thriving relationship with God. He faced life threatening persecution and yet stood steadfast in his walk with God.

There are definitely many lessons for us to learn from him as Daniel lived a life that influenced the destinies of men and of nations, both within his lifetime and beyond.

This 20-day study looks at the Book of Daniel from the perspective of the strategies he employed to excel both in his long spanning career and spiritual journey and how to apply those strategies to have a life of lasting impact.

Our prayer is that this study blesses you and positively impacts every aspect of your life. Click HERE to download the study.